The Malloys

We all have a story that we are living out on a daily basis.

Stephen’s story began at Fairfield Medical Center and continued in the nearby village of Pleasantville. Growing up, he enjoyed playing with (and teasing) his sisters, scampering through creeks and cornfields, and riding his red Huffy bike up and down the streets of that village.

Bethany’s story began in Cincinnati. Born into a worship leader’s home, she embraced music and singing at a young age. She also relished her King’s Island visits and riding in the open bow of her Papaw’s boat on summer trips to Buckeye Lake.

Stephen and Bethany Malloy

Even though Stephen and Bethany grew up in the same state, attended many of the same events during their teenage years, and even had many mutual friends, their stories did not intersect until July 28, Millersport. In just a few short months following that fateful meeting, they knew that their stories were meant to intertwine. And in December of 2009, they officially wove their stories together in marriage.

It was not until July of 2011 that Stephen and Bethany were called to begin a new chapter of their life’s story and pastor a Millersport. Since that time, their daughter, Eva, and son, Isaiah, have joined them on their journey.

Stephen and Bethany would like you to know that everyone’s story is different. And many times there are entire chapters of our narratives that are filled with sadness, anguish, and despair. But at Victory Apostolic Church we know that there is only one author of our faith. His name is Jesus. And if we ever decide to let him become the author of our story, He can fill it with words of hope, love, and victory!

It is the hope of this family that someday their story will intersect with yours; and that Victory will become part of your story, just as it has become a part of theirs. We invite you to join us in our journey and let’s have victory together!